Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR-MN: H2MNO4 project

Participants : Yvan Crenner, Benjamin Delfino, Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy, Jocelyne Erhel, Lionel Lenôtre, Géraldine Pichot.

Contract with ANR, program Modèles Numériques

Duration: four years from November 2012.

Title: Original Optimized Object Oriented Numerical Model for Heterogeneous Hydrogeology.

Coordination: Jocelyne Erhel and Géraldine Pichot, with Fabienne Cuyollaa.

Partners: Geosciences Rennes, University of Poitiers, University of Lyon 1, Andra, Itasca.

International collaborations: University of San Diego (USA), UPC, Barcelona (Spain)

Web page: http://h2mno4.inria.fr/

Abstract: The project H2MNO4 develops numerical models for reactive transport in heterogeneous media. It defines six mathematical and computational challenges and three applications for environmental problems with societal impact. We organized a project meeting in February.

Inria Project Lab: C2S@EXA project

Participants : Édouard Canot, Yvan Crenner, Jocelyne Erhel, Géraldine Pichot.

Title: C2S@EXA - Computer and Computational Scienecs at Exascale

Duration: from January 2012.

Coordination: S. Lanteri, Nachos team.

Partners: Inria teams working on HPC; external partners: ANDRA and CEA.

Webpage: http://www-sop.inria.fr/c2s_at_exa/

Abstract: The C2S@Exa Inria Project Lab is concerned with the development of numerical modeling methodologies that fully exploit the processing capabilities of modern massively parallel architectures in the context of a number of selected applications related to important scientific and technological challenges for the quality and the security of life in our society. The team participated in several workshops.

GENCI: project on advanced linear solvers

Participants : Yvan Crenner, Jocelyne Erhel, David Imberti, Lionel Lenôtre, Géraldine Pichot.

Title: Numerical models for hydrogeology

Duration: 2015

Coordination: J. Erhel and G. Pichot.

Webpage: http://www.genci.fr/

Abstract: To run large scale simulations, we defined a project, based on the platform H2OLab and on a new GMRES solver. We obtained and used computing time on machines located at GENCI supercomputing centers.

GDR MOMAS: projects on multiphase flow and reactive transport

Participants : Benjamin Delfino, Jocelyne Erhel.

Title: Workshops on multiphase flow and reactive transport

Duration: 2015

Coordination: J. Erhel

Partner: IFPEN

Webpage: http://www.irisa.fr/sage/RTworkshop and https://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/cances/gdrmomas/

Abstract: The working group MOMAS includes many partners from CNRS, Inria, universities, CEA, ANDRA, EDF and BRGM. It covers many subjects related to mathematical modeling and numerical simulations for nuclear waste disposal problems. The team participated in a workshop on multiphase flow and organized an international workshop on reactive transport, in Paris, with IFPEN.